Birth FAQ:
I am taken aback by the miracle of life and find myself in such awe of the power of women. Witnessing the birth of a child touches my soul in a deep, healing way and has become a part of my life in ways I could not have predetermined. I am currently going through online courses and child birth classes to become a Doula so I can support women in an educated and holistic manner. Birth is my passion and having quality images of this pivotal moment in your life should be accessible to all.

Why hire a photographer?
Bringing life into this world is something that should be cherished and remembered! Hiring a professional photographer allows the most important people in your life to be present in the moment rather than stressing about capturing it. You'll be guaranteed to have high quality images that document your most precious moments, some maybe you've forgotten because it all happened so fast! The way your partner supported you through rushes, the first time you laid eyes on your child, the reaction from siblings as they are introduced to their new best friend.
What if I have a c-section?
Birth is birth! Regardless of how your birth looks it is unique and special and worthy of being photographed. All of these "firsts' that you experience on the day of your child's soul coming earth side is important. Occasionally there are limitations with allowing additional people inside the operating room. In these cases I will be with you until the doctors motion for me to leave. I will return afterwards to document your child's first moments on earth with your family.

Do I need approval?
No matter where you give birth you must get approval from your care provider. If that's a Midwife or doctor you must review policies for a photographer or Doula to be present during birth. This could be at home, in a hospital or birth center, all have different policies.

why hire a doula?
A Doula's role is to support women in receiving information support which helps keep the birthing person and their partner informed about what’s going on with the course of labor. Suggesting techniques in labor, such as breathing, relaxation techniques, movement, and positioning. Another primary goal is to care for the mother’s emotional health and enhance her ability to have positive birth memories. This emotional support can look like continuous presence, reassurance, encouragement, praise, etc. Physical support is one of the last main important parts of hiring a Doula because it helps the birthing person maintain a sense of control, comfort, and confidence. Aspects of physical support provided by a doula may include; soothing with touch through the use of massage/counter pressure/or a rebozo, helping to create a calm environment, assisting with water therapy, assisting the birthing person in walking to and from the bathroom, etc.

Will my images be on the internet?
All image I share of your experience will be approved by you! You get to choose if your images can be shared on my Instagram, Facebook or website. I promise to never share anything without prior permission!